A Walk In The Woods

A Walk in the Woods: Teaching Project Have you ever walked in the woods, and seen what’s really there? This will be a unique trip. Every walk in the woods is different. Different people see different things. And the woods change daily depending n the time of the day, time of year, and the weather….

The Wait

A great meditation to start your weekend with! Thank you, myart011!

A Letter to a Friend

There is a life we live and the Life Beyond. The world we live in and the World Beyond. How do I find thee, wandering between the two? Are you hiding? Can you hide? We met years ago. Shy, you approached me conquering anxiety felt, and simply said: “Let’s hang out.” Has the world changed since? I…

Love Thyself

“When a woman becomes her own best friend life is easier.” /Diane von Furstenberg Love Thyself, Love Thyself to ludicrous, because – as poet once said – falling in love with yourself is a beginning of a life-long romance. Get to know yourself, invent and reinvent yourself because, after all, you, and only you is all…

5 Things Contemporary Copy has Lost – and Classics Will Always Have

It is rightfully stated that different media seeks different expression as a result of different way of consuming the content. And while today we seek and indulge in clear and quickly ingested information, not that long ago, books were a form of entertainment to wide public. I rightfully believe books hold amazing features not found in…

Against the Wind

September chill always brings an uncanny nostalgia I cannot pin my finger on. Days are becoming shorter, and I suddenly need a blanket to keep me warm during the night. Seasons change, and so do we. Omnipresent transformation of life consumes me. Seasons remind us nothing is persistent. Seasons move us and move with us. Seasons…

“Make glorious, amazing mistakes.”

Originally posted on The Daily Post:
In Neil Gaiman’s now famous 2012 commencement speech at the University of the Arts, he offers some excellent advice to free us from perfectionism, imploring us to simply create — to make art — no matter what. What’s wonderful about this advice is that it applies to any creative…